
The Factors of Eligibility in Canada Citizenship Points Calculator

Settling in a new country and become the citizen is truly the intimidating process and it is not easy to get temporary or permanent citizen residence in a country where you want to settle. Canada is not exception and to obtain Canadian citizen you need to work harder to score highest point for becoming eligible in Express Entry Pool and earn the permanent citizen visa. Below you will come across with the factors which are mainly considered by the Canada Citizenship Points Calculator while deciding the total score of the applicants. The qualified applicants are actually evaluated based on sis crucial factors and immigration to Canada with permanent citizen visa is offered based on these factors of eligibility. Moreover, the applications are required to score a total point of 67 out of possible 100 in a bid to qualify for citizenship in Canada through Express Entry.

Canada Citizenship

Education – Maximum of 25 Points

The highest your education, the maximum points you can score at the Canada Points Calculator. The eligible applicants with highest education can score up to 25 points, especially those with doctoral degree. The foreign applicants are evaluated by certified third party to find out their Canadian Equivalent and points are basically offered based on that particular equivalence.

Language Proficiency – Maximum Threshold of 28 Points and Minimum of 16 points

The applicants are required to showcase their proficiency in one of the official language of Canada, French or English to become eligible for the program. The candidates are required to score the minim threshold of 16 points and maximum of 28 points under the selection factor of Canada Citizenship Points Calculator. The higher language proficiency would lead to the allocation of 24 points.

Employment Experience – Maximum of 15 Points             

According to the new program for permanent citizen, the applicants are required to have at least one year of experience, however the applicants with 6 months experience are also considered for the program. The highest the employment experience you have, the higher the points you can score in the Canada Points Calculator online.

Age – Maximum of 12 Points

The candidates between the ages of 18 and 35 years are considered by the authority in Canada the most and they are likely to score 12 points. However, the candidates above the age of 35 years will reduce the points by 1 and the candidates above the age of 47 years will score zero points.

Adaptability – Maximum of 10 Points

The applicants having 1 year of full time experience in Canada in a professional, marginal, technical or skilled trade occupation would score the highest point in the Canada Citizenship Points Calculator under this category of eligibility. But, they need to provide valid offer letter of employment which will grant them 5 adaptability points.

Arranged Employment – 0-10 Points

This is the point that is offered to the candidates with valid offer of employment in Canada. They need to proof the offer of employment to be eligible for earning this point in the Canada Citizenship Points Calculator.