
How to get your ex back

It is usually said that winning your ex back is not even the hard part. Keeping them after you are back together is the problem. Your partner left you once, do you think there might be anything that will try and stop them this time round?

The big question to always ask yourself is, where is the point of getting back together with your ex if you cannot keep them for good?

Sometimes experiencing a breakup can be so much painful to the extent that some people usually resort to taking their own lives when they feel like they can’t take it no more.

If you are one of these people, please don’t give up just yet. I might just have some few tips that might help your situation. Below are some methods that you can use to get back your ex.

  1. Don’t beg

If this is a relationship that has a future in it then there are some things that will be expected of you to do and those that you should avoid.

Perhaps the most important thing that you should remember in such a situation is to always keep your dignity. Showing desperation or begging will just make your ex feel sorry for you.

This can also make your ex feel infinitely less attracted to you. This move can also cause resentment sometimes later in case of an argument and they go for “the lame dog”.

They would then feel like you got back not for the right reasons and you could face yet another breakup.

  1. Stop playing games

It is always a wrong idea if you are trying to get back you ex by playing game. If you haven’t realized yet, the clue is always in the game.

This move is also not encouraged as it might cause some damages later on. You should not pretend to be having someone else already just to make your ex jealous.

This is not a game and therefore you should approach matters maturely like an adult that you are.

  1. No holding your ex to ransom

LoL! Of course you can still stay alive without your ex even if it seems to be impossible right now. Remember when we talked about going through a heartbreak being so painful that some people always end up committing suicide?

These are the ones we are talking about. Crying, screaming or threating people that you will take your own life if your ex won’t come to visit you or get back with you won’t help the situation.

This will only make your ex feel forced or manipulated to do something against his or her will. Black mailing your ex emotionally will also strengthen the reasons why they had to break up with you in the first place.

  1. Show don’t say

Do you really want to get back with your ex? If yes then you need to start acting like it. Instead of just telling them that you have changed, it would be better if you show them.

If your ex told you that the reason they left is because of something that was lacking in you, what are you doing about it?

If the reason was you not having some respect when talking to her, have you started talking respectfully? If the distance is limiting you from showing how much you are trying to improve, you can write a letter promising that you are willing to change and how you intend to achieve it.However, don’t get carried away and make promises you know you can’t keep.

  1. Say sorry if necessary

Sometimes the only way to win a war is not by fighting. Don’t not let your ego be in the way of what might be the moment that can change your life.

If you feel like you were on the wrong side and that truly your ex deserves an apology then go ahead and find a way of doing it.

This might be the only thing standing between you and your love. Don’t let this moment pass as it might the only chance you have. Always apologize when necessary.


The above tips are just a few among many other tips available out there. Well, of course you are not the first person to be in such situation but for the ones who have been there before, these tips really made a difference.

However, since it worked for others it is not 100% guaranteed that this will work for you too but hey! You never know till you try it out right? You can also see more tips here.