
Flavoring Food and Making Pesto

Food and Making Pesto

Basil has been around for a long time. It can be an obsessive annual plant, which makes sense because it belongs to the fast-growing mint family. It is native to India and was popular in ancient Greece, where it was known as the Grass of Kings. It is considered Italian grass and is often chopped with tomatoes.

Basil has a sweet, menthol, slightly spicy taste and comes in several flavors, including lemon, licorice and cinnamon. A little goes a long way. Use an eighth teaspoon of dried basil for every 2 servings. Fresh leaves are tastier, especially if you rip them first. As with most herbs, it is best to add basil at the end of cooking before serving it on a hot plate.

Basil can be used in several ways

Wake up scrambled eggs in the morning. I combine this with a summer piquant on a mixture of broccoli and edamame (soy). It goes well with tomatoes and is therefore very good for spaghetti, lasagna and other Italian dishes. Try it with peaches and berries or sprinkle with hearty vegetable soup.

Food and Making Pesto

It goes well with other Italian spices and herbs, especially with garlic, oregano, parsley, rosemary and thyme. It is also good with coriander, fennel, mint, saffron and sage. Do not be afraid to add leaves to the summer vegetable salad. You can add a couple leaves of each flavored basil variety for a greater taste experience.

Basil has a reputation for insect repellent, especially mosquitoes and flies. Also avoid cabbage and tomato insects. Only one fragrance should be enough reason to include it in every garden. Dried stems of a basil plant can also be used in smokers.

Perhaps the favorite use of basil is pesto

It is easy to do. Just chop 3 cloves of garlic with ¼ cup nuts or pine nuts and ¼ cup olive oil in a food processor. Add 2 tightly packed cups of fresh and washed basil leaves and a tablespoon of white vinegar or lemon juice. The latter prevents the pesto from turning brown. It should look finely ground, like a green sauce. You can freeze this, especially if you have several plants in the garden. When serving, add ¼ to ½ cup grated Parmesan or Roman cheese.

Spread it over bread, add to eggs, or season a chicken or fish dish. Add a tablespoon to the spaghetti sauce. (Basil can fry pasta, so add some vinegar to boiling pasta water). You will be glad that you did not waste these fragrant plants in the garden, and you will appreciate the taste and your efforts. throughout the winter months.