
Benefits of Stanozolol for Boosting Endurance

Stanozolol commonly sold under the name Winstrol (oral) and Winstrol Depot (intramuscular). In some predefined situations, Winstrol offers immense benefits, although Stanozolol boosts endurance is not usually used as the foundation for an anabolic steroid cycle and is not essential for most cycles.

Stanozolol and the risks of Leber toxicity

Unlike other injectable steroids, Winstrol is alpha-17-alkylated which is truer for steroids taken orally. This property leads to a Leber toxicity which is apparently also more pronounced in relation to the weight of Winstrol than in other steroids.

Therefore, the quantity of Stanozolol boosts endurance used and the duration of the application should be limited. In this case, an injection quantity of 50 mg per day is preferred, with a 6-8-week application time. There are also natural alternatives to Winstrol like Winsol, which reproduces the effect of Winstrol and is 100% legal.

The advantages of Stanozolol:

After the risks of the product have been described, we now come to the already mentioned interesting advantages of the steroid. As a rule, people use Stanozolol, who want to quickly increase their speed and strength, without mass build up.

A further typical application is an optimization of the body development in which the body is to be stepped without having to resort to trenbolone. In addition to these applications, Stanozolol can do much more.

During the body re-composition cycle, Stanozolol provides 500 mg of testosterone/week immense benefits during the mass build-up. At the same time, fat burning is increased but the estrogen level is not increased.

No classical half-life at Stanozolol

Stanozolol endurance is an unusual pharmacokinetics because it is not an oily mixture of esterified compounds, but fine particles of the steroid in an aqueous substance. Thus, Stanozolol is not subject to the classical half-life but is continuously decreasing over time. The effect lasts for at least one week, whereby separated particles at the injection site can also remain longer, which leads to a positive test on doping agents.

Stanozolol – impact on tendons and joints

During the steroid cycle, the intake of Stanozolol may lead to joint pain in a few cases. There is also the suspicion that the use of the steroid increases the brittleness of the tendons. Instead of dispensing completely with the remedy, the use of Stanozolol can nevertheless be justifiable if the application time and quantity are limited to allow the body sufficient time for regeneration.

 Stanozolol and its effect on women

Stanozolol, whether orally ingested or injected, is probably the most unsuitable product for women among the anabolic steroids. Even the smallest amounts (2mg / day) can lead to virilizing side effects, even if some women tolerate higher doses in practice.

At this low dose, Stanozolol does not offer any advantages over other steroids. Injected, Stanozolol remains in the body longer than when taken orally and is therefore even more unsuitable for women.

The side effects of the steroid Stanozolol

Although stanozolol is neither aromatized nor metabolized by the enzyme 5-alpha and thus neither converted to estrogen nor DHT, it can lead to androgen-conditioned hair loss. Provided the user has the genetic predisposition for this process.