Now handle tough project effortlessly with the help of an app- Read to know!
The management of any project is not the easy errand, therefore it becomes important to make use of the right tool that will administer both the project and time effectively. It goes without saying; a lot of factors come into play in order to accomplish the project within the deadline. And one of the most important aspect is the project management is the tool and software which is being used in the particular project.
Communication and timely execution is of prime importance therefore, in order to keep the track of the work in real time it’s imperative to keep a strict vigil on the progress of work and that’s only possible with software almost all the big companies make use of different project management tools and apps as per the need and nature of the work.
Finding application base project management software is not an uphill task, as one can easily fine numerous apps that are doing the round in the souk and here we will throw light on the app that is not only unique but it has got some of the astounding features that has certainly helped project management professional is most befitting manner. To acquaint you with its numerous features here we compiled the list of features that makes it stand out from the rest.
What all clickup entails?
- Multi task management: supervising multiple tasks is certainly difficult but with click up is like cutting the cake! With the help of the app you can easily make changes and alteration in multiple tasks at the same time.
- Image mock up for both comment and task: with the help of this feature you can keep the design development plan at a single plan. And you can create the task on the image and on the particular task you can create the image as well.
- Doling out remarks; it is seen that important things get lost in comment section and with the assign comment feature it will create action instantly and it will assign for you and other as well.
- Custom task status: one can easily customize the task rather than going with robotic notes like dome or not done.
- Multiple assignees: obviously, you need multiple people to assign the same project and with this very feature of the click up you can assign the task to multiple task in a single place.
- Agile and three board view: streamlining the task is bit tricky therefore with clickup you can chose the board view that will do the needful and one can choose in accordance that will suit the need.
Well, is the official website of the click up app from where you can easily download the app on to your phone and on the desktop as well so that you can easily streamline the each and Every aspect of the project. It has got all the features that make project management app most effective and handy tool so, if you have not tried hands on the app-based project management software then this is the best one for sure.