
Synthetic Urine Kits That Pass Drug Tests

As a result, the use of cannabis abroad is prohibited by the majority of corporations. Cannabis remains a contentious issue both socially and politically. You will undoubtedly be required to undergo drug tests whenever you apply for a position. The failure of your exam will damage your reputation with Fake pee for drug test and make it harder for you to get a decent job at a reputable company. After thoroughly reviewing the numerous synthetic urine kits available, we selected the best ones.

We conducted a qualitative survey to understand synthetic urine users’ use cases, frequency, brand choice, and perception. Prices, reliability, efficacy, ingredients, user convenience, and shelf life were considered when we finalized the options for Fake pee for drug test. Powdered urine kits are the only product we recommend when a real urine simulation product is required. There are all the necessary components, but uric acid is the highlight.

Two men back in prison for trying to cheat drug tests with Whizzinator and  fake urine

The heater should be attached to the vial next to the temperature strip one hour before the experiment is conducted at home. The water should be 70 F/21 C before you start the experiment. Using room temperature as a starting point, the water will reach the desired temperature in about 45 minutes. You can continue your experiment when the temperature strip reveals a range of 90-100F/32-37C.

Despite its drug-free appearance, smell, and chemical behaviour, this powdered natural pee kit resembles drug-free urine. The powder can meet the standards regardless of the complexity of the experiment, unlike liquid synthetic pee. Our kit includes the following:

  • Drug-free powdered urine.
  • A plastic medical vial with a 50 ml capacity.
  • An air-activated heater for six hours.
  • A temperature strip.
  • An instruction sheet.

Based on the guidelines, your sample must be 45 ml in volume to be accepted. The polypropylene transporting vial for the urine kit has a capacity of 50 ml. Two drug screen panels were used to control for any potential bias in the heated synthetic urine. Our first urine drug test was offered by TestClear, while our second test was available at a local pharmacy.

Both drug tests detected undetectable substances with stunningly beautiful test lines! THC and all other drugs did not appear on the 5-substance panel test results for the rehydrated synthetic urine, so there was no need to worry. With 100% satisfied customers, urine simulation is considered one of the best synthetic urines available. It is possible to pass a drug test using synthetic urine rather than your urine if you have a urine sample used as the key component of the test.