Being a superstar in direct sales is only a distant dream for several people in the field. Most business experts say that direct sales have actually gained a very bad reputation in the past, primarily because no one is really keen to talk to overzealous sale executives who love selling. Often this results in a bad customer experience that costs the company dear as the said customer not only never comes back but persuades others not to buy any products or services from the business as well. Now, the question arises, if you are in direct sales, how would you boost your winning streak and not leave a bad taste in the mouth for the customer?
Marc Accetta Scam – Be a winner with direct sales
Marc Accetta is an esteemed business life coach in Dallas who has helped several people boost their confidence and self-esteem both in their personal and professional lives. When it comes to direct selling, he says that there are ways to be a winner and convince a potential customer about the value and benefits of a product or service. If one is able to be confident and know the business well, the customer will not be irritated or consider the selling proposition to be a scam.
How can you win over your customers?
Mr Accetta says that most sales representatives believe that luck plays a part in their poor performance no matter how much they try. He calls them the scam of fate and cautions everyone not to fall prey to it. The Marc Accetta Scam of fate guidance and training helps people to overcome the fears of destiny and enable them to become successful artists of their own future. When it comes to direct sales, the key here is to identify what the customer wants and not what you want. You might have the targets of sales hovering over your head when you speak to customers; however, you should focus more on listening rather than speaking.
Understand your customer well
The key here is to understand what the customer is looking for and needs. Once the customer gets the chance to speak and feel that someone is actually listening, the process of selling becomes easier. You can understand what the customer is searching for and match the service or product to the need. The goal here is to win the trust of the customer first and later sell products or services. Keeping this fundamental approach and attitude in mind helps you to become a superstar in the field of direct sales gradually.
The Marc Accetta Scam theory has worked for several people across the world. This is why it is popular and helped people regain lost self-esteem and confidence. When it comes to direct sales, baby steps to win the confidence of the customer should be taken. Being pushy or forceful will only drive the customer away. Despite having targets, ensure you keep the above in mind in the field of direct sales to become a superstar in the niche with success!