
5 Important Things You Always Forget To Pack in Disney World

Disney Park

If you think planning on a Disney trip is already a success, think again because that is only half of the success from a long list of things you need to consider. If you manage to achieve your packing list with essentials like walking shoes, Band-Aids, and a t-shirt, then congratulations. But if not, you can always check the things you need for the trip here at

Despite the complete list you have in your backpack, some things are always often forgotten. This article will make sure that these essential things will never be left out once you go on the trip.

ID Bracelet for the Children

Disney World is the most magical place on earth, unfortunately, it does not have a magic wand that finds your child once they get lost. On the good side, having a magic band has enough information for Disney to match them to you if your child is found. However, magic bands easily get off and the information linked to it is not 100% accurate. SO to save you the trouble, get your child an ID bracelet for easier contact once they get lost.

Cellphone Charger

If your phone is not dying at Walt Disney World, then that might be a sign that you are not using it well enough to enjoy the rides and various activities in the park, it means you are not tapping enough. This is because grabbing Fast pass+ reservations destroys phone batteries fast, so you need to recharge. A portable cell phone charger gets forgotten every single time.

Disney Park

Autograph Book

This might not be the thing that gets easily forgotten every time because people often choose to buy this in the park. However, planning can save you money and choose from wider options of designs. You get to choose classy and stylish books like traditional Disney and princess autograph books.

Waterproof Cell Phone Couch

A waterproof cell phone comes handy in making sure your phone stays dry on wet rides plus it helps for keeping your phone at a distance near you and easily grab pictures while you enjoy your relaxing swim. Make sure to test your pouch at home.


The Disney world is home not only for magical creatures but also for millions of germs. Germs from different children all over the globe gather together in this park before hopping on some unsuspecting visitor and ride with them heading home. The sound of it sounds gross, so get yourself some travel size hand sanitizer.

Planning a trip to Disney does not have to be overly complicated, it pays to pay attention to these minor details to make your trip worthwhile. Check the forecast and pack comfortable clothes and footwear. Never forget these essentials and you will surely enjoy your adventure.