What Is The Importance of Pre-Nuptial Agreements?

 There was a time when marriage was all about soulmates and sharing a lifelong bond together with each other. However, things have changed drastically and nowadays marriages are no longer solely about love and companionship. Finance and other related matters play a big role in the decision making procedure, which is why couples are increasingly opting for pre-nuptial agreements to avoid any kind of long drawn out court battles  in case there is a divorce or separation.

If you are young and just starting your career, a pre- nuptial agreement may not be a necessity, however if this is your second marriage and you have substantial property at your disposal or have kids from the previous marriage a pre-nuptial agreement is highly recommended by family lawyers in Brisbane.

Here are certain points highlighting the importance of a pre-nuptial agreement before marriage

  • A pre-nuptial agreement can safeguard the interest of your family and kids from your previous marriage. A pre-nuptial agreement would ensure that your kids receive their due share of money.
  • A pre-nuptial agreement can be used to waive your new spouse’s sole right as a beneficiary to your retirement plan. You can choose your children and spouse as the joint beneficiary of your retirement business if you wish to.
  • A pre-nuptial can also determine how your funds should be distributed between your ex-partner and present partner and their respective kids. Similarly if you have any debt, you can also specify in which proportions the debts should be distributed among both the members.
  • If you have a business, there can be significant disagreement regarding who manages which aspect of the business. A pre-nuptial agreement can also act as a saviour in this department.
  • A pre-nuptial agreement not only plays a significant role in the event of re-marriage. It plays a big role when you are the owner of a large amount of property before your marriage and would bring in significant amount of assets along with you when you enter holy matrimony.
  • A pre-nuptial is also helpful for couples who have a big age difference or difference in financial status. In such situations disputes are likely to arise often and under such circumstances both the partners would like to protect their financial assets.

 Drafting a pre-nuptial agreement is not an easy job. It requires a lot of planning and substantial amount of time and guidance from family lawyers in Brisbane to get the job done.  A pre-nuptial agreement requires a lot of effort from both the parties and waiting for the last moment to draft anything simply implies that one or the other party would be the sufferer.

Newwaylawyers.com.au is a well-known law firm in Brisbane, Australia. As a non-profit organisation their main aim is to provide people with world class legal advice at an affordable rate. Newwaylawyers.com.au are providers of specialist legal services to individuals in a wide range of practice areas including divorce, child custody and areas of liability and compensation law, estate planning and other legal laws related to different relationships.

How to Protect Your Eyes after Lasik Treatment

Thanks to today’s modern technology, patients who want to correct their eyesight no longer have to limit their choices to just wearing contact lenses or eyeglasses. Should you have refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism, a new alternative you can consider is LASIK surgery or laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis. This procedure is ideal for patients who have refractive errors and wants to achieve better vision.

How LASIK surgery works:

It only takes less than an hour for an eye surgeon or an ophthalmologist to correct or repair vision through LASIK. During the operation, the surgeon uses lasers in order to create a flap on your cornea and then remove the small fractions of tissues. The flap is then laid back in place. Once removed, this allows you to have a better and corrected vision. LASIK is one of the most commended procedures by professionals as it delivers reliable solutionsas well as long lasting results.

Most patients who undergo this treatment are happy withthe results andrecovery time. The day after the surgery, patients can experience improved vision almost immediately. The results of the surgery and recovery time may vary depending on the patient’s eye and overall health condition.


How to take care of your eyes after the operation:

After the surgery, it is normal to experience an itchy or foreign bodysensation in your eyes. Your doctor will prescribe medicated and lubricating eye drops in order to remedy this problem. No matter how tempting it gets, do not rub the eyes as it may cause complications and could preventit from healing properly. During the initial forty-eight hours after the operation, you may experience blurred vision or haziness. Your eyes will also be very sensitive during this time so it is highly recommended to wear protective sunglasses.


What happens after the first week of the operation?

After the operation, your surgeon will do a post-operative exam to see to it that the operation has been successful.He or she will advise you to take extra precautions and some medications in order to help your eyesheal quickly. Majority of vision recovery and improvement is attained in the first week post-surgery and will continue to improve in the coming weeks. Depending on individuals and the type of procedure done, it may take up to six months before your eyes have completely achieved the results of the surgery.  Be sure to follow the following tips for faster recovery:

  • You needto avoid doing any contact sports or any activities in which the eyes could be accidentally touched until your doctor has given you permission to do so.
  • Avoid using any eye lotions, eye creams, eye makeup, and even eye drops, unless the doctor prescribes it
  • Stay out of swimming pools, showers, or hot tubs while the eyes are healing.
  • Use sunglasses or protective lenses during these times.
  • Avoid driving at night until your doctor says so or until the vision has completely stabilized.
  • You must inform the surgeon if you feel any abnormal symptoms after the operation.

Following these tips allows you to best achieve the results of your operation. If you need to undergo aneye examination or want to know if you are qualified to undergo LASIK, get in touch with Atlas Eye today so you can schedule an appointment. They offer a wide selection of services including LASIK, ReLEx SMILE, and cataract surgeries. You may also visit their website to learn more about their services.

High Time to Throw a Chess Party

Even if you are not much of a party animal, you can throw a party and enjoy till late night if you are truly a chess enthusiast. In general people who are interested in chess, hardly attend parties. However, this supposition is not only somewhat prejudiced but also downright wrong.

So, have you heard of a chess party? The truth is that until recently, it is unknown to most. But yes, they do exist and not in tiny numbers either.

Well, chess parties are not new concept. They have been around there for a long time and mostly offered as a part of a club or chess themed entertainment package. However, there are many private chess parties, where enthusiast like you invite friends over lake of beer to play chess. Needless to say, the fun is unlimited.

Of course, chess parties are not necessarily for every chess enthusiast. However, it feels great knowing people out there have actually come to have fun playing the favorite game. Usually, if it has to be solely chess other than anything else, it requires chess aficionado to be all too serious. And it is inexpensive fun too, notes Radha Singh.

Hence, if you are willing to throw a chess party, all you need to have a number of chess boards and pieces, some tables and chairs and – of course – plenty of drinks. If you have any certain motive at the back of you mind, feel free to implement it. It would add essence to the party, for example, you can arrange competition and announce prize for the winners. Whatever theme you choose or implement, make sure it is in sync with the spirit of the game.

Simply poke around the internet and discover these things everywhere -YouTube, Twitter, Facebook or any other relevant places. You can come across people throwing such events to celebrate their birthday party. So, go figure.

Chess Party

For some reason, even it seems inexplicable, this is something which would surely excite you. Just think of the ambiance. People are engrossed in the chess game over their drinks. This is really going to be great fun, isn’t it?

According to Radha C Singh, Chess has to be as much about fun as it is about brains. This is like mixing you business with your pleasure. So, next time if you are in a party mood, you can go for a chess party. There are plenty of videos, articles, and other resources you need on net to help you plan the party.

Give yourself some time to sober up and enjoy the game. If you find no improvement, think of the years of fun you will have trying to push chess rating into the zone.

Well, to have an online flavor, you can try playing the top chess search engine. You will be allowed to set the level from 1 to 10 from easy to grand-master. In case you get stuck, feel free to use a hint or take back the move. This is really as fascinating as off line chess parties.


Leadership Training from the Tips Book of Emile Haddad

Leadership is a skill which is honed and acquired. No one is born with this skill. People acquire it with time and practice. If you find yourself with the responsibility of managing a large team which you find difficult to get through, you need a trainer to guide you through. This might sound like yet another act of expenditure. However, this is important. Emile Haddad Seattle is a business coach who has been working with aspiring business people and helping them find their way. If you think you need a guiding hand, such a trainer will be able to help you learn the core secret of leadership.

Emile has more than 20 years of experience in offering training to the business people. Remember that no matter where your business is standing today, you would need someone to teach you which step to take the next. The secret of leadership is all about learning to learn from mistakes.

Emile Haddad Seattle claims that it is a bad idea to hide anything from your team. Human instinct is a powerful thing. It can tell whether something is wrong or not. This is the reason, your team will be able to realize whether you are hiding anything or not. If they find out that you are hiding something, they will lose their trust on you. For this reason, don’t hide anything from your team. Make them sit with you and talk to them freely. If possible ask for their opinion. Make them suggest possible solutions for the problems that you are going through.

Leadership Training

Successful leadership is in knowing how to lead the younger generation. Yes, managing young people is not easy. It takes a lot to make them obey rules. Also, it takes a lot of tact to make them stick to one job. Youngsters have a habit of switching jobs. They change jobs frequently. They also have aversion to rules. Yet, without young people working for your company, you will not be able to grow. For this reason, you need to learn to manage the young people. You need to learn the tricks of making the youngsters follow you. Gaining their trust is a skill which you need to master, if you want to succeed.

A successful leader will not run away from the truth says Emile. He says that to be successful in leadership and to gain the trust of you team, you need to know how to face the truth. If it is your mistake, admit it before your team. Additionally, if someone else deserve the credit don’t back out from giving it. Make it a point to help your team learn the benefit of facing the truth. You will be admired for the courage of truth teller.

Emile encourages people to show emotion. He says that when you show emotion you attach people to yourself. They in return become closer to you and give you their loyalty. However, there are thousand other leadership skills which you need to learn to be successful. Hire someone experienced to learn from.


How to stay ahead in the Hospitality Sector

Hospitality sector is ever changing. When you get into the hospitality sector be rest assured to face some tough competitions. It is never so easy to win the race. Nowadays, so many restaurants are coming up to stay ahead in the competition one has to work pretty hard. In today’s world it requires lot more than just good food to survive in the market. There is lot to learn from veteran like Susie Rachele, the General Manager of Buttermilk Kitchen have succeeded in winning loyal customers for the restaurant.

Now the question arises is how she has done it? Susie has mixed three great ingredients like awesome food, elegant interior and grand treatment. The mixture has turned out to win hearts. For any restaurant to stay ahead in the competition it has to regularly monitor the current prevailing trend in the market. It always helps to stay updated about the recent news. Also taking a look at what your competitors are doing generally helps to improve strategies.

It is advisable to track down the performance of your own venture as well. Training the in-house employees on a daily basis helps them to gain knowledge. An in-house employee should be encouraged to be more socially engaging. At Buttermilk Kitchen, sometimes you might find the Founder and Executive Chef Suzanne Vizethann going from table to table to personally interact with the customer. The personal touch plays a crucial role.

A hospitality sector not only survives on good behaviour but also healthy food. A rare blend of tasty and healthy food together converts flying customers into loyal customers. Restaurant should be more cautious while cooking, a single mistake can cost a valuable customer. Buttermilk Kitchen follows the strict instruction of their Executive Chef to cook with ingredients which are made in-house. They not only provide world class but also healthy food.

In this cut-throat competitive world bad review of even a single customer matters. Whatever is the reason, a bad review will stay a bad review and it will not change. Sometimes it is wise to go something extra to win a great review. This can be considered as an investment in order to bring back a huge return. Buttermilk Kitchen has been reviewed by the customers as one of the best restaurant in Atlanta with friendly staffs, yummy food and warm atmosphere.

A restaurant is remembered for the special dishes that it offers. At Buttermilk Kitchen Susie Rachele recommends their specialty The Chicken Biscuit. An innovative creation consisting of fried chicken on a biscuit. Delicious in taste, created with local and sustainable ingredients only. A mouth-watering special dish stays on mind for a long time.

Susie has worked really hard to bring Buttermilk Kitchen to this position. From her continuous effort to improve the employees to new social media campaigns, everything has just perfectly right for the restaurant.  If you want to enjoy some sweet and savory dishes, take your family to The Buttermilk Kitchen for a weekend brunch, this is one restaurant you won’t forget soon.