CABG surgery – Cost and procedure
About CABG Surgery
CABG surgery or what called coronary artery bypass graft surgery has become a common procedure at present to treat coronary artery disease. The disease is found in people of almost all countries. This is the disease or medical situation resulting from narrowing of coronary arteries due to the accumulation of fatty materials in the artery walls. Arteries are the blood vessels that engage in the supply of oxygen and much needed nutrients to the heart muscle. Hence accumulation of fat or fatty material makes the arteries rough and narrowed that affects the smooth supply of blood rich in oxygen to the heart muscle. This situation badly affects the function of heart and CABG surgery is performed to restore the free flow of blood to the heart muscles.
Cost centers on several factors
Cost of CABG depends on several factors. It depends on type of CABG, count of surgery, doctor fee, cost of medication, cost of travel, cost of stay etc. These are all the factors that determine the final cost of the surgery for a surgery candidate. CABG cost in India is well said round the world when compared with the cost of the other countries. Countless people from different parts of the world visit India to engage in surgery with high success rates. Average CABG cost in India comes around $2500 to $6500 where as in USA, it is said to come around $70,000 to $120000.
CABG surgery Procedure
CABG surgery is the procedure practiced to treat coronary artery disease. This surgical procedure bypasses one or more blocked arteries with the use of blood vessel graft. This helps a lot in restoring the normal blood flow to the heart. The procedure removes the arteries with accumulated fats and places the grafts in that place. Grafts are usually taken from the arteries and veins of the patient located in arm, leg or chest.
Important CABG centers
Frequent visitors to Indian medical centers for CABG surgery are from countries like USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Uganda, Congo, Ethiopia, Nepal, Pakistan etc. With several reputed hospital and medical centers in almost all of the important states and cities, medical tourism in India plays a good role in world market to assure success assured CABG surgery treatment at affordable rates. Some of the best cardiac centers to undergo CABG surgery are in Mumbai, Delhi, Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Pune, Kerala, Goa, Bangalore, Nagpur, Jaipur, Chennai and Chandigarh.
International medical standards
Medical centers make use of the advanced medical equipments and services from experienced doctors to assure the best available treatment for the international candidates. Coronary artery bypass graft cost in India charged by the reputed hospitals never makes anyone to worry about the wallet.
Plan your treatment
At present it is so easy for the candidates to plan their surgery with the help of trusted medical travel assistance service providers. They will help you to select the best hospital based on the budget and interest. They help you in getting the medical visa and to arrange best staying and travelling options. There is no doubt; you can fly back to your place with a heart filled with happiness